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How I see myself.  I see myself having two sides I am a very passionated young women. I love red color because it shows the passion in my heart that I love bright things. I love helping people. I love art that making people happy. I hope my passion and happyness can be like fire burning inside, that burn out all the worries of people around me. On the other side, I love being quiet, I always putting my earmuff or a hat on to kind of "hide myself from the outside world. I need time in my life being quiet having some personal time and thinking about life. I block the left side of my face and put the picture of flowers and candles. Flowers are every girl's love, so do I. Flowers and candles are representing I naturely love dreaming and imagining. The image in my brian is always like a beautiful dream. 



Demensions: 3648 x 5472

Exposure time: 1/260 s  

Exposure program: f/9   ISO:100

Application: Photoshop -Color adjustment

Date: Oct. 25th 2014 Sat.

Location: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Art and Design Studio

At the start of the semester you shot a “selfie” that showed yourself as you believe

others see you. For the self portrait you can show how you see you or how you would like to see yourself.

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